November Update from Your North Sails Service Team
The loft busy as winter closes in
A Note from Shane Hughes, Loft Service Manager, North Sails Ireland:
As we enter our 6th month of trading I have finally had a little time to reflect on how our opening has gone. 2020 has been a remarkable period in all of our lives and for me personally has seen the arrival of a new baby girl and the opening of a new business! If you had told me I would be here one year ago....
First of all, I would like to thank all of our clients for supporting the new loft opening thus far. It has been a busy 6 months with us taking in and completing over 200 individual sail repairs and we are still receiving many more contacts as we head into the winter months despite all of the disruption wreaked by the Covid 19 pandemic and the lack of sailing in 2020.
After UV replacement on a furling genoa. Protect your investment!
With that in mind and with one eye on 2021, now is the time to book your sail(s) or canvas for annual inspection. Our Certified Annual Inspection will provide you with a full spectrum of services which include: racing re-cuts, replacement UV strips on cruising sails, reinforcement patches on your sail covers or canvas, and more!
A recent project involved supporting Pam Lee and Cat Hunt on their successful Round Ireland double handed record attempt. It was a pleasure to host Pam and Cat in the loft, both super enthusiastic and committed sailors, to run through some of the do’s and dont's around repairing sails in an offshore environment. We were delighted to see all the repairs and modifications we made work out so well for them on their record attempt, but even happier for them to have achieved what they set out to do. Supporting clients in achieving their goals is important to us and we enjoy the interaction on projects like this. Find out more on
their project.
As the only North Sails Certified Service loft in Ireland, we are the only repair facility with access to specific North Sails products and expertise in terms of servicing some of
North Sails unique product types such as 3Di.
Our location in Wicklow allows us quick and easy access up to all of the East coast clubs And marinas. We can deal with bigger sails by providing a direct service to and from the boat making life easier for clients in some cases. As well as direct pick up and drop off service in the local area (inc. all of Dublin), we also offer a full nationwide service leveraging the DPD courier network. So wherever you are located and whatever your requirements, we are ready to assist.
Stiffening around batten pocket on J109 3Di Mainsail using NS pure composite and 3Di PSA allowing the sail to sheet more cleanly on the leech.
So please get in touch to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you prepare for sailing in 2021. Learn more about North Sails Service offerings + Scheduling an appointment with your local sail experts. In the mean time stay safe and best regards!
North Sails Certified Service Contact Shane
Adding reefing point to Xi Aramid mainsail
New stack pack installed on Puppeteer 330